2. Also good to know: Forever 21 has awesome jewelry for next to nothing. We're talking practically free. While I unapologetically judge those who are of a certain age and wear clothing from places like that, jewelry is another story. The cheap teenager stores are really the best when it comes to trendy and inexpensive accessories. And when you have a kid or five clawing at you all day, inexpensive is the only way to go.
3. I have been listening to Mumford & Sons on repeat all day. Good music for writing.
4. When I was a day camp counselor in college, I worked with 11- and 12-year-old girls. No one wanted to work with them, including me, because they were a bit of a pain — loud, sassy, boy crazy, prissy. I got assigned to that group against my will, and you know what? I loved them. Of all the kids I counseled, they were my favorite. I was reminded of this when, while chasing my son around the park last week, these two girls who were a bit younger, probably 8 or 9, came up to me. "I like your shoes," one said. "Me too, I like them too!" the other one chimed in. "They are so pretty. And I like your phone. It's REALLY cute." "OOH, I like it, too!" "I just like everything you have on. You look pretty." "I think so, too!" Oh, dear girls. Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE. And so will being sweet to my son (which they absolutely were). And then, yesterday, another little girl around the same age: "I like your baby. He's soooo cute." Both times, these girls followed me around the playground the entire time we were there, chatting about my clothes and my shoes and my baby. If I never have a daughter of my own, maybe I'll just hang out at the park a lot and wait for cute little girls to chat with me. Because that doesn't sound weird or creepy at all.
5. Do you know about Pinterest? If you're a hoarder of inspiration and ideas like I am, you should join. Look me up if you do!
6. I love my husband because he does things like bake a crazy good tres leche cake while I'm at work all day.
7. I am mad at my husband because he does things like bake a crazy good tres leche cake while I'm at work all day and on a diet.
8. But then he buys me tulips and hydrangeas and writes me a note about how much I am loved, appreciated, and respected at home after a long day of work where I feel neither loved, appreciated, nor respected, and I think - okay, I guess diet sabotage in the form of delicious cake isn't THAT big a deal. I should probably have another piece.
9. And now you understand why I will be dieting from here until forever.
10. After the success of my plate wall, I am now on a mission to finish decorating my awkwardly spaced living room. How a 12x15 room can ever be large enough for anything to feel awkwardly spaced is beyond me, but I blame the stained glass piano window. It's pink and off-center and it drives me BANANAS. But I've been chipping away at that room slowly and surely and I think things are starting to come together. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Etsy?
11. I am going to make two of these boxed rings jewelry storage pieces for my bathroom. What a cool idea. My long-been-blank bathroom wall thanks you, Martha.
12. I am a very slow decorator, in case you haven't noticed.
13. For a long time I overlooked Payless for shoes, thinking they were all cheap and ugly. But that was back when I had disposable income. Now I'm a mom on a budget, so I decided to take a second look. Glad I did, too. On two separate occasions I bought these and these for work this summer. And now that I look at both of them together, I realize I kind of have a thing for fabric peep toe shoes with bow-like adornment.
14. Cell phones are handy for capturing mother/son ice cream silliness at the park on a Sunday afternoon. Not pictured: the two mini DQ Blizzards we devoured in record time. The best thing about eating ice cream with a not-quite-two-year-old is the fact that I can order my two favorite flavors and eat the big candy/cookie chunks from both since he is just happy to have ice cream and doesn't even realize there are chunks available to him. (Sorry, sweetie. Your Mom loves food.)

15. I am addicted to Mad Men. That is all.
i wore a really, really cute shirt from forever 21 yesterday. you would like it. don't hate. also: they have super cute jewelry, as does charlotte russe. i never partook of these stores in my youth. i won't even get started on h&m. love your post, and you, and can't wait for your insight on my poorly decorated house. xoxo
Pinterest? Oh, dear! Another website I could easily become obsessed with. :)
I love these kind of posts, by the way. It makes me smile to see the randomness of others. It also makes me feel more normal.
Oh Don Draper. How I love thee.
Do you have Charming Charlie in your neck of the woods? If not, you need one close. That's my go to store for jewelry.
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