His hair is starting to look...nappy.
But only in the back. The front looks exactly like Nate's — soft, straight, a little poofy. He even has the Breyer hairline. But the back is super textured and kind of kinky.
What if that's what he ends up with? Stick straight Breyer poof in the front, nappy McLaughlin afro in the back?
Poor kid. I figured he'd get one or the other...but not both. Definitely not both. That's just cruel.
Though I'm sure it would make for an outstanding mullet someday, if he decides to go that route.
Kaiya's hair is totally nappy, and has been. I wondered if it was just from her sleeping on it...but it's still that way-maybe she has mclaughlin in the back, too. :) He is SO precious!!!! Happy 7 month birthday buddy!
Abby, I hate to say, but that is a sign that the curl is setting in and getting ready to take over. Maggie's hair was curly in the back for a long time, with the straigh on top. Its not curly just in the back anymore. The curl has taken over. It even likes to cover her face. He will be adorable either way! He is SO sweet.
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