Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Because I can only say no so many times in one day.

I'd like to point out that the dog bowl was completely full when he started, and that I had already cleaned up the other full bowl of water he stepped in, dumped all over the floor, and crawled through.

And, yes, that is duct tape on my custom maple cabinets. Baby proofing at its finest.


Trish said...

Nice. Love the duct tape... who knew it was such a valuable home product?!

The Moser Fam... said...

Ben used to LOVE to play in Lucy's water bowl. I am emailing you a picture now. :) Cal is so cute...even with a serious face. You and Nate are a good combo and I might try your duct tape method...all of our latch things are broken and Nattie loves finding things like Soft Scrub (that's not toxic right???? ha!). Love you and miss you!

Carrie said...

so cute! he is getting so big. sometimes saying no just isn't worth it!

AbbyD said...

The duct tape is great ... so very MacGyver of you. ;)

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