Somehow, after seven years, 15 moves, eight home purchases, three babies (and two more on the way), two master's degrees, at least 15 new jobs and an average of 500 miles in between us at all times, we are still friends.
In fact, I think we're closer after all those life changes than we ever were in college. We act more like sisters than friends — and yes, that includes borrowing each other's stuff and driving each other crazy. But despite our many quirks (and oh, do we have them), we love each other dearly. Which is why we make it a priority to see each other for a weekend at least once a year.
This year we ended up at a lake cottage in Michigan. For three days we hung out in our pjs, ate loads of terrible-for-you food, went shopping, and talked about life.
In that respect, not much has changed since we graduated.
Except now I love them even more.
but really, you should buy a home in michigan.
i don't think i have any quirks. :)
that was a cute post and i love what you are so good and writing what i'm thinking :)
i had so much fun and i miss you already...i'm glad we do this every year...i think we need it!
hugs and love! :)
p.s. mike asked me last night why i was living in elpaso with nate after he read your comment :) :)
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