I started the day with shampoo in my eyes, which was unpleasant enough. But that was followed closely by a startlingly large spider waiting for me outside the shower, and then by me somehow running straight into the toilet, which I'm pretty has always been in that same exact spot. The highlight of my morning was managing to successfully hide in Calvin's room with a bowl of cereal. I had to hide my cereal consumption because we didn't have time for both of us to have a bowl of cereal and I really needed one because I felt like I was going to pass out from low blood sugar. And if that had happened, well, we would have been even later than we already were.
One irritated eye, dead spider, stubbed toe, banged-up shin, bowl of cereal, and late daycare drop off later, I made it to work. But not without a quick stop at Target first, where I purchased a new cardigan. The one I chose to wear over my tank this morning didn't even remotely cover my bra straps, which I didn't notice until I was almost to work. While I occasionally lack modesty, I don't usually show up to work with lacy bra straps a blazin'. I blame my shampoo eyes for that oversight.
It's been a day. I'm really tired. I'm a little grouchy. My toe is kind of sore. But, gosh darnit, I am going to write a Thankful Thursday post. It's been a while, and I've got some thankful to share. But none from this morning, of course. This morning sucked.
Without further ado, today's list of things that have nothing to do with today but I'm thankful for nonetheless:
1. Cloud 9 by Tresics t-shirts. Never heard of that brand? Me neither. Until I went to Marshall's and found this super soft cute grey t-shirt for $5.99. I think I've had it for maybe two months and it's already been worn more than most items of clothing I own, even the two t-shirts I still wear from my junior year of high school. After unsuccessfully scouring the internet for more Cloud 9 t-shirts, I finally went back to Marshall's, where I found three more. If you live near a Marshall's, go. Now. Best t-shirts ever.
2. I have an office! We're talking four walls, a big window, and — most importantly — a DOOR. When I was hired seven years ago, there were four of us in marketing, I was at the bottom of the food chain, and I shared a cubicle with all of the marketing samples. Two years later there were four of us in marketing, I was second from the bottom, my intern got to sit with the samples, and I got to move into a slightly larger cubicle without a window. A year after that everyone in my department left, two new people were added, and I was back at the bottom of the (slightly smaller) food chain. However, I got a promotion and was moved into a cubicle with three walls and a big window. And now there are only two of us in marketing, we work as partners, and I have my own office. The office my boss had when I first started here. I've successfully made my way from minion to manager. While my job hasn't changed much — in fact, I now just do the work of all three people without oversight — there's something very satisfying about looking back at my past from the comfort of my new office.
Windows are Rolled Down by Amos Lee. That song is on repeat. Like, all the time.
4. I am head-over-heels in love with
So You Think You Can Dance this season. I feel like everyone is really talented, and so far there have been some pretty decent routines. I am such a sucker for the contemporary pieces. Like this
one, for example. Or this
one. Sigh. Such a guilty summer pleasure.
5. I've started listening to audio books on the way to and from work. I don't know why this never struck me as a good idea before, because I love to read and I don't have time to read and I spend a solid hour blankly staring out the window of my car every day. My friend Jennifer loaned me Janet Evanovich's
Two for the Dough, the second book in a series I've tried to read based on a number of recommendations, but could never get into. And I loved it. I mean, the Evanovich books are kind of a cheap thrill and by no means literary masterpieces, but who wants to think while driving? It took me about a week to get through that book, and now I'm onto the next one. My commute has improved tenfold.
6. Tomorrow's blog post, which I've been working on for a few months. Good things take time, you know.
Happy Thursday!