Calvin now says "hi" and "up" and "baba." He takes his hat off as soon as I put it on. He grabs my face and puts his slobbery open mouth to mine. He waves at the pictures of our friends' babies hanging in our kitchen. He drinks from a sippy cup and feeds himself dinner. He leaves a trail of toys all over our house. He settles into my lap every night to read before bed, and often turns the pages before I even have the chance. He moves so quickly and so much that I can't even get a picture of his face — only action shots.
Somehow, my baby turned into a little boy without me even realizing it.
I want to see him, Nattie and Kaiya together. Wouldn't they have so much fun now? :) He is a doll face.
He and Mattie sure are a pair! Very cute :)
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