How depressing is it that we just saw our bushes for the first time since November? Nate put Christmas lights in them and then we got two million inches of snow and never even turned them on. It's APRIL, for pete's sake.
Didn't spring officially start like three weeks ago?
Luckily, I've lived in Minnesota long enough to know the only way to survive winter is to get out of your house. To get up every morning, put on 87 layers of clothing, and say to frostbite and negative temps and snow piles taller than your toddler, "I'm not scared of you!" before going about your day.
But, yeah. We didn't do that. Mostly we huddled under a blanket and watched TV. I'm lazy, and 87 layers of clothing is both annoying and unflattering. I'd rather just wait it out.
Which I did. I waited and waited, changed the channel, ate a few too many ice cream sandwiches, and then waited some more.
And here it is. Spring. FINALLY. Will someone please cue the Hallelujah Chorus? I like this version.
To celebrate (slightly) warmer temps, we ventured out to the Minnesota Children's Museum — first by ourselves, then with friends.
Then we moved on to the Minnesota Zoo.
And Ikea, where we purchased a table Calvin insisted on helping Nate assemble.
And finally, to the park. Where we've spent a solid 45 minutes every day this week.
Oh, and Uncle Jordan brought over a puppy one day. That was fun, too.
So long, winter. Don't let the door hit ya.
I love that Spring still involves sock caps and winter coats. :) Fun memories for Cal! Oh..and does that dog really have eyes that blue???!
Calvin hugging that bear at the zoo is the cutest thing! I want one for my backyard... at the new house, of course.
So cute.. yet, I feel sad for you and your cold temps... ick!!
the cuteness is overwhelming. seriously. glad you're getting your spring on.
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