Friday, February 15, 2013

Hello, Vegas?

All my Friends loving friends will understand and appreciate that reference. Even though it has little to do with this particular trip. During my trip to Vegas, there was no room service, no craps table, no drunken wedding, no Sharpie mustache, no Regina Phalange, no hand twin.

This hand is your hand, this hand is my hand, oh wait that's your hand, no wait that's my hand!

(Sorry. I love that part.)

But there was a very successful shopping trip to Marshall's. And a breakfast buffet. And a cotton candy cosmopolitan. And some ooohing over the fountains at The Bellagio. And lots of ahhhing over the shops at Caesar's Palace. (And the dessert at Max Brenner.)

Most importantly, though, there was time spent with my best girls.

Step aside, dinner buffet. We're breakfast people.
Requisite self portrait.
We've had a lot of practice, though you wouldn't know it looking at this.
And no, they are not super tan. I am super pale.
The Bellagio, side view.
(You're thinking of that great scene at the end of Ocean's 11, aren't you?)
Ooh. Ahh.
Vegas is really beautiful. In a depraved sort of way.
World's largest chocolate fountain, from which I was not allowed to eat.
Shopping...indoors. (Just blew your mind, right?)
A picture of Heidi taking a picture of the biggest H&M we've ever seen/shopped the heck out of.
Max Brenner's cute menu modeled by my even cuter April.
If you insist.
We've been friends for longer than we'd care to admit.
Weird, since we met in college and don't look a day over 25.
The Strip.
Yeah, that was good. (These pictures are so not in order.)
The Bellagio fountains from a different side.
Ah, Paris.
Not the real sign, but close in a drive-by stripmall sort of way.
You're welcoe.
Ooh. Ahh. v2
This was a drive-by capture. I found this hilarious.
Probably because of the cotton candy cosmopolitan.
Love us some TJ Maxx. Though we had much better luck at Marshall's.
Like $200 worth of luck. Whoops.
April & Jenny, two of my truest loves.
Feeding Ali (truest love #3) a gluten-free brownie via Facetime.
Vegas is not Minnesota. This made that abundantly clear.
My fourth truest love (only in picture placement, not in rank).
Love my brave friend, who has been single parenting her two boys since September
while her husband serves in Afghanistan. HERO!
Cute packaging, because I notice these things.
This was before I found Bonanza's Naughty Town hilarious.
Vegas is brown, but beautiful.
Everywhere you turn you have the same view: mountains.
Like I said, beautiful.
Such a fun weekend. I just hope the next time we spend time together, all five of us will be in the same state. :)

We missed you, Ali!

1 comment:

the deKorne family said...

I love this. And y'all. And feeding Ali brownies. Too bad you don't have more pictures of us sitting on the couch since that's what we mostly did. :) Love you!!!!!! -#4 :)

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