Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little of this, a little of that.

Since it's a slow news day (yawn!), thought I'd share some random snippets of my life over the past few weeks. Nothing exciting, or history-making, or anything like that to talk about today. Here's hoping tomorrow will be more interesting, because today is a real bore.

Here's what we've been up to since discovering I am with male child:

1) We FINALLY got a new camera. You can expect a lot more photos in the coming months. I will try to post one of my ever-expanding mid-section soon. For some reason I'm not in a huge rush to share that photo.

2) Our bedding for the nursery arrived yesterday. It's so cute, I love it. We found a big red glider and ottoman over the weekend and hope to make a decision on the crib soon. Yay, progress!

3) Nate had to make his first late-night craving run for me. Butter pecan ice cream and waffle bowls. I didn't even know you could buy waffle bowls, but he found them, and they are good. What a guy.

4) Mattie has started chewing on the couch cushions. Hmm.

5) Damages is just as creepy and awesome as ever. TV is so good right now. Thankfully, since it's been about a billion below zero.

6) My clothes don't fit and I have nothing to wear on vacation next week. Nate and I decided to start packing Sunday night, and his stack of clothes was significantly larger than my own. There is something so wrong about this picture. Might be the first year I've been able to pack in one suitcase. I am anxiously awaiting a box of clothing from my friend Heidi.

7) I have a ginormous crush on the new Grey's doctor.

That's all.

We leave for a week in Mexico on Saturday, so expect a bunch of happy, sunny pictures and a lot of bragging when I get back.


The Moser Fam... said...

I love your writing and all, but hurry up and post some pictures of your belly already. :) I love the bedding...so adorable! I can't wait to see the room when it's done! Also, a crush on the new grey's doc...really? I still like McSteamy...:) :) Love you...me! :)

Brian and Trish Hutcherson said...

I agree... belly pics are a must! Very jealous of your vacation :) Have a great time. It's okay to go naked in Mexico. ha ha

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