Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Marriage, in a nutshell.

This morning:

N: Abby, your car won't start.

A: Okay...

N: You watch Calvin, I'm going back out to try and get it started.


Ten minutes later:

N: Got it started.

A: Oh, good. Thanks. What was the problem?

N: I think it's the sparkplug.

A: Really? How would you know that?

N: When I tried to start it, there was nothing. It didn't have that spark.

A: Hmm. Okay. What should we do?

N: Well, I think you should take my car to work and I'll try to figure it out.

A: Figure it out, like try to replace the sparkplug yourself??

N: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what it is, so I'll just take a look.

A (starting to laugh): Nate. Do you know what a sparkplug looks like? Or where it goes? Or what kind to buy?

N (offended): No, but I'm sure I can figure it out. I'll just go to the store and ask them what kind I need to buy for your car. I think it's pretty easy.

A (still kind of snickering): Yeah, no. Nate. It's freezing cold outside, you have no idea if it's actually a sparkplug-related issue, and you're going to get this figured out before you work at 11?

N (still offended, but not in the mood to argue): Fine, I'll take it in. Although sparkplugs are really inexpensive and if we have to pay someone to put it in...

A: Worth it!


An hour later, via text:

N: Weak battery. Gonna replace that and go from there.

A: So...not a sparkplug?

N: Not yet.

N. Smartalec.

A: I would have them check again. I'm pretty sure it's a sparkplug issue. It just didn't have that "spark."

N: So I'm officially not a mechanic. Shocker.


Thirty minutes later, at home:

N: You're not going to start calling me Sparky or something, are you?

A (laughing, all the while plotting out this blog post in her mind): No, of course not.


Susie said...

see, you can post this because you wrote that beautiful marriage post yesterday.

the real question is how did you get a bloody lip? just how offended was Nate? :)

Nate said...

We don't care for this post. It's rude and insulting to all of us.

- Nate, 2007 Hyundai owners manual, and shiny new sparkplug

Mary said...


Katie said...

LOVE this post. Especially after yesterday's. Actually, I was going to comment yesterday, but never had the chance to. You're so cute, Abby. You always say things like I wish I could say them. I have Abby-writer envy. Maybe that's why my blog is neglected as of late. ;)

Unknown said...

Did Nate know this was being transcribed? Because he sure is funny.

Emily said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Thanks for that!

Muff McLaughlin said...

Should have called this entry "Why Chicago People Are Not Popular in Minnesota." I can sorta see their point. On the other hand, this is HILARIOUS. Good thing Nate has a great sense of humor.

the deKorne family said...

cheers to you and sparky. and the new battery.

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