Monday, May 14, 2012

Extraordinary day.

Of course the best photo of Mother's Day was of Nate. 

And all the photos of me with my kids looked something like this:

My Mother's Day was less than extraordinary in that the bulk of it was spent getting up at the crack of dawn, changing diapers, cleaning up pee, washing sheets, folding laundry, and wrangling two kids on my own* at church and Panera.

But really, that's just being a mom. And being a mom is extraordinary. I am thankful every day that the Lord has entrusted these two precious babies to me. What an honor it is to be their mama. 

So, while I may not have gotten to sleep in or the perfect photo with my kids, I got to spend the day doing the work I love best for the people I love most.

Lucky, lucky me.

*It was Nate's weekend to work. Y'all know he'd never have made me get up at the crack of dawn on Mother's Day. And I had a lovely Saturday night complete with flowers, gifts, and a dinner of my choosing. He's a good one.

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