We took Calvin for his eight week checkup today, though he's actually nine and a half weeks old. His original appointment was a week ago, but I got scared about taking him for his shots by myself, so I rescheduled so Nate could come with me. (Yes, I am a huge wimp.)
Besides allowing a stranger to inflict pain upon my child (sniff, sniff...it was so hard to watch him get those shots for the first time), it was a great appointment. I was so excited to find out how big he is, since his last weight check when he was only a week and a half old. As suspected, he's going to be tall. He was 24.5 inches long (95th percentile). His head is 16.25 inches (75th percentile) and his weight...well, that was a surprise. He's 12lbs, 6oz. He's gained less than three pounds, and is only in the 50-75th percentile for weight! Given that most babies are born weighing about two to three pounds less than he was, I figured he'd be at the top of the charts. Guess he's not going to be stuck driving a bulldozer after all.
We're so thankful for our happy, healthy, growing little boy. He's perfect.
So cute!
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