Friday, July 31, 2009

I sure would love it if...

...I had all of my couch cushions on the couch instead of in the washing machine at some point this week.

On Tuesday Calvin had a blowout that left three couch cushions, a throw pillow, my shorts, his outfit and his changing pad covered in poop. I washed everything.

On Wednesday, my seemingly incontinent dog leaked pee on the couch while she slept. (As of Wednesday, she is on medication for this problem.) I washed the couch cushions.

Today, as my dog was barking manically at something outside and I was trying to shut her up while breastfeeding Calvin on the couch, my child had yet another blowout that got my arm, his outfit, the blanket I covered the couch with to prevent further cushion washing, and two couch cushions, which were left uncovered by the blanket in my mad attempt to grab my barking dog before she woke up my sleeping husband, who had just come off a night shift at the hospital.

Two more couch cushions and the blanket are washing now. The dog is outside barking at whatever it was that caught her attention. Calvin is cleaned up, redressed and fed. Nate is sleeping soundly.

But I still have traces of poop on my arm.


The Moser Fam... said...

Ahh...the life of a new mom! :) That is precisely why I had to send Lucy to live with Mike's grandma. I couldn't take it anymore...but I know you are committed to your sweet pup! Natalie always waits until we are in the car on the way somewhere to have her blowouts. I have to make sure to always pack an extra outfit and onesie. :) Sorry about the pee and poop times! Love you.

Kate said...

Oh my gosh. How does a person that size produce such things!?!?!

Vuong Family said...

Where on earth did you get that cute background for your blog? It reminds me of a cute couch cover from the 60's or 70's but all I can think about is mustard colored poop.

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