Friday, October 15, 2010


You know the whole "one blog leads to another blog leads to another blog" thing about reading blogs?


Well, it's a thing. Believe me. Because one blog has led to another blog and now I'm obsessed with a new (to me) genre of blogging.

Check it:

I drove by a new boutique on Grand Ave one day and wanted to know what it was, so I did a google search for it. I didn't find the boutique; instead I found a local blogger. A blogger who posts photos of her daily outfits.

I read the entire archives of her blog in one day.

When there was nothing left to read, I got bored and started clicking on her links, which led me to another blogger. Who also posts photos of her daily outfits.

You guys, it is REALLY fun to see what people wear every day. A little like when I try to look in the windows of all the mansions on Summit Avenue as I drive by at night...except this is less creepy because they are actually posting their outfits for the world to see. And then, you know, wearing them for the world to see. So maybe it's not really creepy at all. Bad analogy, but a similar rush.

Anyway, again with the reading of the archives in one day and the boredom and the links, which led me to another local fashion blogger, which led me to a non-local really adorable nerdy fashion blogger, which led me to one final blogger of whom I am just a little (okay, a lot) jealous. Don't worry, you will be too. I just keep trying to remind myself that she's only 21 and when I was 21 I was also skinny, although nowhere near that fashionable, perky, and cute.

The good news? There are about a million more blogs like this out there. All you have to do is follow the links.

The bad news? There are about a million more blogs like this out there. All you have to do is follow the links.

You're welcome.


Mary said...

What have you done to me? LOL I'm now following all these new blogs...but they are so fun to read! Especially the last one. So fun! Thanks!

Katie said...

Maybe I'll start taking a picture of my outfit every day. I wonder if anyone would follow me?

Vuong Family said...

oh seriously. i sat down to blog tonight and got carried away looking at other people's blogs. then i read yours (sorry, i did not read yours first) and get lost reading even more blogs. and i still haven't blogged! scott even came down to check on me... seriously. who does that last girl think she is? way too cute and perky and her clothes are so darn cute. not fair. seriously.

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