Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dear John(nie).

Dear Johnnie Boden:

Please stop sending me emails. Or at least emails including offers I can't refuse.

You see, I am poor. Well, not really poor, but I'm paying an arm and a leg for daycare and diapers every month, and I just got the first of what I have to assume will be multiple student loan balance letters regarding my husband's recently completed education. There is no room for you and your 30% off plus free shipping in my life.

Gosh, 30% off is a really good deal. That means the Amalfi dress I've been eying would only be $70....NO. NO NO NO.

No thank you, Mr. Boden!

You are preying on my weaknesses. Somehow, without even having met, you know I cannot turn away from tiny striped jeans for my son, or adorable printed skirts for me. You know I find your soft cotton fabrics and your whimsical polka dot packaging irresistible. You know I love putting Calvin in shirts that say delightful things like "Pony Ride."

But I cannot continue this relationship with you and your beguiling goods. Truly, I cannot. Please, take your 30% off plus free shipping (Free shipping! Shipping is a significant expense when you're ordering things from England, that's a serious cost savings...) and, well, you know. Keep it. For a while. Just hang on to it for me. I won't always be poor. And when I'm not, well...you and I are going to get to know each other very well.

Until then, dear Johnnie, I remain yours truly,


P.S. If you bumped the offer up to 40% plus free shipping and free returns we might be able to work something out much sooner. Just saying.


The Moser Fam... said...

Well, I am so unfashionable that I thought there was only a "boden" for minis! I didn't know they had stuff for grown people too! :) You should try being less cool (like me)..it really helps the pocketbook (although I married a man who buys a new pair of $100 running shoes once a month...so I guess that helps make up for it!)! LOVE YOU! (By the way, you know you loved the puke picture...it's just what you were hoping to see when you opened my blog...right? :))

Mary said...

I am so grateful you left a comment on my blog, if you hadn't, I don't think I would have known you have a blog too...and you are damn entertaining! LOL I love all your posts! I'm seriously cracking up here at work! Thanks for entertaining me today...hehe

Dave, Ninny and Isla said...

Couple that with all of the never-ending e-mails from Baby Steals, Bath and Body Works and the Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale, its a wonder any of us have any money! Great job exercising restraint.

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