Friday, June 25, 2010

Well played.

Pop quiz: Which recently rebuked-by-me retailer is a very bad listener?

Let me give you a clue:


The fact is, I brought this upon myself. I clearly stated that we might be able to work something out if he came back with a 40% discount. And that charming, wily man one-upped me by offering 50%.

If there's anything we've learned this week, it's that you should never underestimate the power of the tiny family blog.

Well played, Mr. Boden. My closet thanks you. My self-control does not.

1 comment:

the deKorne family said...

i love the banshee below. and at least i don't think you can do as much damage at boden as you did that one time you worked at saks for three years. right?? if only they had boden at goodwill. :)

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