Wednesday, November 3, 2010

And earlier that day...

We went to the park with Uncle Mike. Calvin is waaaaay into Uncle Mike right now. In fact, while trick-or-treating that night, he kept saying "Mike!" and reaching up to be held by him.

This came as no surprise to us. Uncle Mike is the coolest.

A few cuties of my cutie at the park:

And where was I during all of this?

At 31 years old, it's still hard for me to pass up a swing.


The Moser Fam... said...

Cute pictures (still love the hat on Cal!)...oh and you are cute on the swing too! I really might have to go get myself some Converse tennies now! Love!

the deKorne family said...

i like the swing...but they make me naseous now. when does that happen? and why? it's such a lovely activity. calvin is adorable and i agree-love the stripes!

Muff McLaughlin said...

They need matching pom hats. And yes, Uncle Mike is actually pretty doggone cool.

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