Monday, November 29, 2010

Against all odds.

Against all odds — including pink eye, severe colds, sore throats, migraines, nausea, and sub-zero temperatures — April and I made it down to First Avenue to see Joshua Radin in concert last Monday night.

I am happy to report that the experience was totally worth dragging my sorry, exhausted, sick, sad self off the couch, out of my pjs, and into real clothes.

Me and my pink eye, and April and her glasses (we heard he likes girls in glasses).

Yep. As suspected, totally adorable in person.

He looks less adorable and more crazy in this one, but look! He's so close! Behind that girl's arm!

Minnesota girls don't wear socks with skinny jeans, even in winter. Or coats in 15-degree weather when going out downtown Minneapolis at night. At least that's what I told April. (She may never forgive me. That was really stupid and we totally froze. Plus we're both Chicago girls, so what on earth was I trying to prove?)

I love having a friend who will fly two states over and lie on my couch for three days with me while we're both sick just to see a concert. I'd like to think it's because April really loves me, but I know the truth:

Joshua Radin is really dreamy.


April Gann said...

You forgot the part about how he's so dreamy that he literally took my breath away. My blog will be more gushy about him because I'm not married. :) I will never forget the whole experience. Including the weekend in pajamas and your cute boys. I love you so much and love that we now get to share "the concert of the year."

Katie said...

Love the shoes and no coats. He is dreamy, isn't he? Glad y'all had fun. Cute picture of the two of you.

the deKorne family said...

adorable!! so glad you got to go. and love your shoes.

April Gann said...

Also, I just wanted to say for the record keeping that the reason all our pictures are in "rockstar" antique fade is because your eye was so freaking red. :) The rest of the world probably doesn't even know....

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